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"Your God-given Task" Proverbs 31:17 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:17 “She girds herself with strength (spiritual, mental and physical fitness for her God given task) and makes her arms strong and firm.”

Lesson- Are we prepared for what God has called us to do? She was prepared in every way to be able to go out and do the work God gave her with excellence. How is our physical health? What areas can be better? Mental health? Spiritual health? We have one body but within it are many parts that make up who we are. We have a responsibility to care for what we’ve been given. Just like our bodies are made up of many systems that keep us going - cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive,etc. We have to take care of the many parts of our body and our health that make up all that we are in the spiritual and natural.

Tip for Men- How are you caring for your mental and emotional health? Society trains men to not talk about their feelings or how they’re actually doing but suppressing that aspect of you just causes other issues. You are human, you have emotions and feelings that isn't a feminine trait and it’s part of your responsibility to take care of that part of you. Find an accountability partner, a wise friend, a mentor or therapist who can be trusted and you can speak to. It can just be about how you’re actually doing that day or what all is on your plate, asking someone how you can balance everything without feeling overwhelmed. It doesn’t have to be this deep thing only talking about negative things and issues you have just talk and be real!

Tip for Women- We get so caught up in appearance but be warned of why you’re doing it. Why are you in the gym strength training, because you want to look like a girl you saw on IG? She was girded with strength in every way for her God given task not because her husband or friends or what other people were doing but because what God called her to do. Know what you need and what ways you need to be strengthened, what is your God given task that you need to be strengthened in all aspects for? Train yourself accordingly because of that task not because of others or society. Don’t strive to achieve #goals, focus on achieving your goal!

Listen to the full episode here!

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