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"She will not eat" Proverbs 31:27 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:27 “She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity) she will not eat.” [1 Tim. 5:14, Titus 2:5]

Lesson- By now I’m pretty sure we see a pattern here with the Proverbs 31 woman. She is NOT idle! She got business to attend to concerning her household, the work doesn’t stop. She doesn’t sit around and gossip or be discontent concerning her situation, she is doing the work or seeing what work can be done so that everything in and around her household is always running smoothly. And honestly if you’re truly focused on your purpose and what’s in front of you then you don't even have time for things like gossip.

Tip for Men- Everybody wants somebody, preferably their significant other in their life to “match their fly” . This woman isn’t playing around and she is about her business so as a man, are you at least doing the same? Are you looking well to your work, trying to improve and get better, even carefully watching the people you hang around and not gossiping or complaining, pitying yourself? Take a closer look at your own life/self and make the necessary changes.

Tip for Women- Are you a gossiper? Do you complain? Are you discontent with where you are? Look to God and pray. Thank Him for what He’s given you and what’s in your life, what He’s already done, be grateful and then look to the things that are in your control and power to change and see what you can change or fix. Don’t complain and be discontent if you have no solution or plan in place. Don’t gossip instead focus on your own self and what you can work on. Remember that gossip is not fruitful. Whatever you want to gossip about, take it to God in prayer.

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