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Hey! I'm Sherees, the voice behind the Life Lessons in Proverbs Podcast. I was born and raised in the DMV. Besides Jesus, I love basketball, eating and serving others.

My journey with the Lord I guess started when I was born but I didn't make the commitment to a relationship with Him until my sophomore yr in college. I graduated with a Psychology degree but I followed the path the Lord had set before me of faith instead of the life I thought I wanted. God knows best right? So here I am still following Him, walking by faith and continuing to grow in Him!

 I always enjoyed listening to podcasts but it wasn't until after I quit my job in Jan. 2020 that I thought of creating my own and realized I enjoyed podcasting... I really pray that this podcast helps you to draw closer to God and not just hear the word but apply it to your life so you can live well and walk in His ways with those around you. I hope you're subscribed and stay tuned for more ways to grow and connect!

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