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"Work Willingly" Proverbs 31:13 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:13 “She seeks out wool and flax and works with willing hands (to develop it).”

Lesson- Don’t be lazy! It says that she SEEKS out wool and flax so she’s not waiting for things to come her way, she’s going out of her way to make things happen. She’s working purposefully and using her hands to make something out of nothing. She’s willing to put the work in that it takes to make something that can stand and that will last. We can all do that in our own lives, put the work in to make sure we ourselves are standing on a firm foundation in the Lord, to make sure our relationships can stand through testing time and last, to make sure our finances are in a good or stable place ready to weather unforeseen expenses and the list goes on. So let’s not procrastinate and be willing to put in the work! Know that life is happening FOR us and not TO us.

Tip for Men- So in the last episode I mentioned our spouses being our purpose partner and going back to Genesis. So along those same lines I would say to watch for how a woman works. If she doesn’t take her own work seriously then how will she take the work you’ve been called to? She’s called to be a helpmeet so the way in which a woman works is important, how will she approach the work and the assignment that has been placed on your lives if she’s lazy and procrastinates now? So I would say watch for that in someone you’re trying to pursue. And to do your work as men, unto the Lord. Be diligent in your work and don’t make procrastination a common theme in your life.

Tip for Women- Find work that you enjoy and do your work as unto the Lord. If she’s seeking out work, she desires it. She wants it. Let’s not procrastinate but be women who want to work diligently and willingly to build something out of what we have found. And also don't get so caught up in other qualities of a man that you dismiss his laziness! You don't want a lazy man in charge of the household sis lol so let's be with men who are also putting the work in okay!?

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