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"What's in your hands?" Proverbs 31:19 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:19 “She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.”

Lesson- We see in this verse that she’s hard-working. She isn’t idle which we’ve talked about in previous episodes and she’s using what’s in her hands with diligence and putting it to work. What we can learn from her is to enjoy work and not idleness. We get so caught up in the world’s way that we forget that God instituted work way back in Genesis 1! Work is good. God worked and He modeled that for us because He made work to be good. There’s a time for work and a time for rest, not just trying to hustle all day and team no sleep that’s not actually good for us or God’s design. And the opposite is also true that it’s not good to be idle all the time and not work at all. So it’s important that we find that balance in our lives concerning work and honor God by doing our work as unto the Lord and not man.

Tip for Men/Women- What’s in your hand? Or (How many loaves do you have?) Do what you already have, work that. Sometimes we feel that what we have isn’t much but let God be the deciding factor in that. A little boy only had a few loves of bread and fish, and when Jesus blessed it it ended up feeding thousands! So don't discredit what you have, just use it, put it to work and let God bless it. We can only do what we can control and what’s already in our hands is what we can control not what’s to come or what we want.

Listen to the full episode here.

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