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"The Heart of her husband" Proverbs 31:11 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:11 “The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil.”

Lesson: Be someone who others can trust. It’s so comforting to have someone whom you can share with. Your secrets, your dreams, your hopes or goals and know that you can trust them with your life. We should all strive to be this person to someone. Someone who people feel comfortable with and know they don’t need to lie or connive to be in your presence. They know they won’t be judged and feel free. A person like this is strong and has peace in their hearts and minds. Once again this is someone rooted in God, only God alone gives peace and we can only comfort others in the way God has shown comfort to us. We must go to God whose cup never runs dry and whose love nerve runs out so we can be filled up and able to care for those in our lives.

Tip for Men- Watch who you give your heart to. Don’t be so distracted or misled by a pretty face that you don’t see behind it and open yourself up to someone who is only trying to use you. Think of the story of Delilah and Samson found in Judges 16. (Read it when you get a chance!) You want someone who is in your corner to build you up, be your support and add to you not tear you down and take from you.

Tip for Women- Recognize the power you have in a man’s life. A lot of women take advantage and become seductresses or seducers of men but know that you are accountable to God for the way you behave and how you lead people. God gave us this gift not to lead astray but to build up and empower a man so be wise and be careful. Allow your man or even friends to safely confide in you and come to you with confidence knowing they can be transparent and honest and not worry you will go and gossip secrets, judge, nag or ignore. That nurturing spirit we have is powerful, don’t misuse it.

Go listen to this podcast episode here!

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