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"Taste and See" Proverbs 31:18 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:18 “She tastes and sees that her gain from work (with and for God) is good; her lamp goes not out, but it burns on continually through the night (of trouble, privation or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt and distrust)."

Lesson- This reminds me of Psalm 34 which says we should taste and see that the Lord is good, that all those who take refuge in Him are blessed. She is being blessed, God has made her prosperous because she’s walking with Him in doing the work He’s given her to do. So much so that even in tough seasons she is okay and not worried. When we abide in Him and do our work from a place of rest and trust in Him instead of striving and seeking to do things our own way, we will be blessed. Her lamp always burning reminds me of the parable of the virgin brides (Read in Matt. 25:1-13) I think it signifies preparation, being ready and that because of the first portion that preceded it, that she does her work with the Lord and sees the gain from the work then she is prepared for even seasons of trouble that may come her way.

Tip for Men/ Women- If you stay ready you don't gotta get ready! Walk in the work the Lord has for you and purposed you to do. We were created for more than just 9-5 and paying bills, find what you’re called to do, what God placed in you. Do that work and see God’s goodness in provision for your life. Our gifts make room for us and I think when we allow them to shine, abiding in God we will walk in supernatural provision for our lives.

Check out the full episode here!

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