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Szn 2 Premiere - New Proverbs 31 Series! *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:1-3 “The Words of Lemuel king of Massa, which his mother taught him: What, my son? What, son of my womb? What shall I advise you, son of my vows and dedication to God? Give not your strength to loose women, nor your ways to those who and that which ruin and destroy kings,”

Welcome back! I’m excited for this new season! So this season as you heard in the intro is dedicated to Proverbs 31. I thought it fitting for what God is doing with establishing kingdom marriages and relationships in this season. Also because I think this chapter can give us good insight into relationships and as well as how we should carry ourselves. Proverbs 31 is very well known but I want us all to look and listen with fresh ears and eyes in order to get the most out of what God is speaking through the text. This chapter is usually mostly taught to women but it’s actually for men just as the book of Proverbs is. So with that being said I’ll be ending each episode with a helpful tip for both women and for men.

Which carries into my preface for today’s lesson and this whole series by stating that Proverbs 31 is the words of a mother to her son, So this is the only chapter that is no longer King Solomon speaking to his sons but now has switched to a mother speaking to her son who is also a king. King Lemuel to be exact. (Who is king Lemuel chile idk lol but what his mom taught him was important cuz it’s in the Bible!) She knows her role and duty as mother is a blessing and she knows she must teach him what will help him.

Lesson: Today’s lesson of the day ... is to know that you have a responsibility - His mother told him this knowing that he would be king, she had a responsibility as his mother and as king he has a responsibility. Sometimes we can take our given roles for granted but there’s power in it. In Ephesians 5:21 it says “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.” and that is a verse right before it speaks about marriage but I think it applies here too because as a son he’s submitted to his mother but as a king, his mother is submitted to him. We each have a responsibility to each other and have the power to speak into one another young or old. As a mother, she gave him sound advice because she revered God and as a son who has become king, he held onto her advice and kept her words close out of reverence for God and in submission to his mother. So know that you have a responsibility right where you are as mother, sister, daughter, son, brother, husband, wife, whoever and don’t take it for granted.

Tip for men- Be eye-opening and discerning to the things around you that don’t actually serve you but can tempt and distract you. You are a king, no matter who you are or how old you are think of yourself as a king. Kings have much responsibility so make sure you’re utilizing your strength and capability to the highest. Give your strength to what lasts, what is impactful and gives life. In our society today yes it’s hard because it’s everywhere and sexual immorality is praised but it doesn’t please God nor will it produce fruit in your life. Discipline yourself and think long term not short term. Put your energy into what lasts, into kingdom building.

Tip for women- Not even just as a mother but as a woman in general, whatever you’ve been blessed or given to carry by God make sure you speak life into it. Be mindful that your words carry weight and power so watch what and how you’re speaking- how you speak to others, to yourself, and over your life and those around you as well.

If you would like to listen to the podcast episode, click here!

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