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"Start Well" Proverbs 31:15 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:15 “She rises while it is yet night and gets (spiritual) food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks.” (Job 23:12)

Lesson- She’s not in love with her bed or sleep, she’s willing to get up earlier than everyone else in her household to prepare for the day. She shows true intention and diligence by doing this. She wants to start well and make the best use of the time.

We take our days for granted, we make excuses and push things back living like we have all the time in the world but each day is not promised! Make it your practice to Start your day with the Lord to set your day then go about the rest of it with true intention and purpose whether that’s making a list, scheduling things in your calendar, assigning yourself tasks that are necessary and productive but also schedule in some fun. Make the most of your days by being more intentional.

Tip for Men- Let your faith lead you and be intentional about seeking God concerning your day. In order to lead a household, there is much responsibility required from you. And give your burdens to God as you stay submitted to Him. So it’s just an important practice to always be near Him. Just as much as you would seek food, seek God more.

Tip for Women- Prioritize God at the start of your day. We may not have maids to instruct but we can start being intentional by setting the mood and tone of your home. It would be a good practice to start now before marriage and I’m speaking to myself with this one too!

Listen to the full episode here!

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