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"On her tongue" Proverbs 31:26 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:26 “She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness (giving counsel and instruction).”

Lesson- Now this something we do everyday right!? We speak, we open our mouths and say what we want sometimes unfiltered or uncensored. We don’t like to be told what to do or what we can and can’t say especially in a world or society that is so “free”. But do you ever stop to think about the impact your words can have on the person you’re speaking to? Take a second and really think about what comes out of your mouth? When you speak, do positive words or negative words come out? Gossip, slander, spiteful words or kind words, words of love, prayer towards another person? Maybe a bit of both depending on who you’re around? If we have given our lives over to Christ, He is Lord of our lives and that includes, Lord of our tongues too! Colossians 4:6 says “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.”

Tip for Men-Your words have power so be mindful of the effect of your words. Think of the end result before you speak, just like a basketball player - before that ball lands in your hands think about the shot you would take in order to land the ball in the basket. You’re not going to shoot a 3 if that’s not in your arsenal, you’re going to go to your hotspot so you know there’s more likelihood of you actually getting the ball in the basket. Do the same with your words and think of the best way to talk to the person in each situation so that your words can land gracefully. (Just like we read in Col. 4:6)

Tip for Women- I’m going to recommend a book to read, I actually read it a few months ago it’s called ‘The Power of a Woman’s Words’ by Sharon Jaynes. You can purchase it on Amazon or if you have a reading app like Hoopla can get it there too, that’s where I read mine. It’s free you just need a library card. It’s good and just makes you more aware of your words, it convicts you and helps you recognize just what it’s titled, the power of your words!

Listen to the full episode here!

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