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"Rejoice Over the Future" Proverbs 31:24-25 * Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:24-25 “She makes fine linen garments and leads others to buy them; she delivers to the merchants' girdles (or sashes that free one up for service). 25 Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; she rejoices over the future (the latter day or time to come, knowing that she and her family are in readiness for it!)

Lesson- So, in this we see her work with what she has to provide and this reminds me of the benefits/advantage of having multiple income streams for your home/family. Doing so brings financial freedom and frees up time but we see that because she does this she is confident that her and her family are in a great position and not lacking or needing anything. She is not only secure in her earthly role but also her position in God’s kingdom and who He says she is which we’ve talked about in previous verses and can see in the chapter.

I think we can each take away the importance of doing what you can with what you already have, with the gifts given to you and doing so with confidence in who you are in Christ. Our identity doesn’t come from earthly things or possessions but from God who is unchanging. When we walk out our lives confidently from that position, we can rejoice in our future as well!

Tip for Men- It's very difficult for a woman to carry out her tasks, goals and ambitions if she feels hindered, so men support your woman! I say this because I think women are known to be a support system for men but we also need your support in what we’re called to do as well. Men know that your support is vital and plays a significant role also in the success of your woman.

Tip for Women- Live to help others and think of those around you. In this verse we see she delivered girdles which were useful and highly valued in that day. And we see that in selling her garments she’s not doing this for her own gain but so her family can be in a good place. Her focus is not only on herself but those around her.

Listen to the full podcast episode here!

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