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  • Sherees

"It Is Not for Kings to Drink Wine" (Proverbs 31:4-7) - Show Notes

Proverbs 31:4-7 “It is not for kings O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine or for rulers to desire strong drink. Lest they drink and forget the law and what it decrees, and pervert the justice due any of the affiliated. Give strong drink as medicine to him who is ready to pass away, and wine to him in bitter distress of heart. Let him drink and forget his poverty and seriously remember his want and misery no more.”

Today’s lesson of the day is that there’s a purpose and a time for pleasure. Here we’re obviously specifically talking about alcohol. This can be touchy and I’m only talking about this text not alcohol in every way, your convictions are your own so take it up with God! So what I mean by there’s a purpose and time for pleasure is wine has its uses but we all know it has been abused. Wine can be for good pleasure but also can be used as medicine. What she means in this text is in regards to being intoxicated and getting drunk. As an authority figure and someone who is competent and able, king Lemuel shouldn’t desire to be drunk with wine which is something that can derail his functioning or put his leadership in jeopardy. There’s a purpose to everything and even something as a drink is important because we tend to pervert what God made as good, even the best of us. Our society tells us it’s fun to get drunk and pass out, it’s normal to have a hangover and feel awful the next day but that wasn’t God’s design and intent. Sometimes we take things too far. It’s like are you drinking to cover up and mask something? (go back to Season 1, episode 13). Do things in moderation for sustainable pleasure and don’t throw away your reputation or integrity because of impaired judgement from alcohol. So that’s the advice she’s giving him.

Tip for Men-Be mindful of drinking. There’s no need for you to get drunk and be intoxicated when you’re healthy and strong. Especially when you are in leadership positions, don’t put your status in jeopardy.

Tip for Women- I would give the same advice from men but also I would add to be aware of, and see the red flags of men who drink too much or can’t hold their liquor, how they behave and act. The change in when they drink alcohol, etc. that is not the kind of man you want to lead your household.

*Listen to the full episode here.

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