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"Go the extra mile!" Proverbs 31:14 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:14 “She is like the merchant ships loaded with foodstuffs; she brings her household’s food from a far (country).”

Lesson - I think the fact that this woman is willing to go outside of her immediate area and neighborhood to bring back food for her household shows that not only is she entrepreneurial in spirit but she knows her family deserves quality and is willing to go above and beyond to get it. I say she has an entrepreneurial spirit because from some commentary I read about this, she most likely traveled to a far place in order to get a good price and not pay higher prices for what was offered in her immediate vicinity. Some Bible versions of Proverbs 31:10 says an excellent woman who can find? And I think this is an example of excellence and it can teach us to go the extra mile and just walk in excellence in what we do even in mundane and everyday things like grocery shopping!

Tip for Men/Women- Are you presenting your best self? Not based in your status or appearance or material things but in who you are as a man? In your character? In your walk with God and the way you live? Are you presenting your best? Reflect on that today and seek out areas in your life where you can be better and make the choice to change in the ways necessary so that you can walk in excellence. And remember we have the power and strength to do so by the Spirit of God so you’re not doing this in your own strength and don’t need to be overwhelmed. Give everything to Him and He will help you. He’s given us everything we need for life and godliness so we should pursue His ways with excellence.

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