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"Expand Prudently" Proverbs 31:16 *Show Notes*

Proverbs 31:16 “She considers a (new) field before she buys or accepts it (expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties); with her savings (of time and strength) she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard. (S. of Sol. 8:12)

Lesson- Your resources are valuable so how are you using them? Use your time, energy and money wisely. Be resourceful with what you already have so you can produce more. Notice it also stated that she was expanding but not at the neglect of the duties she already had! So she was acquiring more but it didn’t take her attention away from what was already in her possession either, that’s important because sometimes we seek new ventures but at the expense of something else. We get a new role or position which means more responsibility and it comes at the expense of our family or our health. It provides more money but at the expense of something else. Let’s not get caught up in that and start to choose more wisely, to look at all sides of an offer or whatever it is and not be blinded by one aspect of it that we give in at the expense of other things. I think this applies to many areas but a job may be the most relatable or at least the one I think of mostly relating to this principle.

We should each assess our life and see areas where you can start using your time, energy and money more wisely.

Tip for Men- What are you giving your energy and time to that isn’t serving you? Look for ways to improve that in your life now and see how you can produce better.

(Reminds me of The power of transmutation - spoken about by Prince Donnell podcast and in the book Think & Grow Rich)

Tip for Women- How are you being resourceful right now? What do you have right in front you that you can use now to make things more efficient or proficient in your life currently?

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