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"A Virtuous Woman" (Proverbs 31:10) EP. 27 Show Notes

Proverbs 31:10 “A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman- who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.”

Lesson: A woman like this is God-fearing and rooted in the Lord. Her worth and value doesn’t come from anything this world gives. The way she carries herself and the qualities she possesses are to be treasured and are important to a marriage and men seeking a wife. The root word for virtuous is a Hebrew word that means army, wealth, strength, efficiency and valour. This woman is a force! This is a strong woman and this is the kind of woman King Lemuel’s mother is telling him to find, she is worthy of a king like him. She’s valuable and rare.

>>Make sure you look for qualities in people that matter, this can be for romantic relationships or friendships and people that you want to keep close around you in life. Make sure they’re someone who can add value to your life and strengthen you, who can add efficiency to your life and build you up. That kind of person is valuable and is great to have around if you want to elevate your life.

Tip for Men- In looking for a wife, know that only God can help you find a woman like this. You must be rooted in the Lord in order to find her. Look for these qualities and qualities in a wife that relates and is useful for your purpose and what you’ve been called to as well.

Tip for Women- This type of woman is found first and foremost at the feet of Jesus so be a woman who seeks God first. A lot of times we try to be perfect or feel like Proverbs 31 woman is what we should be but we should only strive to carry ourselves and have qualities that she has because that would be beneficial for any woman to gain and also for any relationship you step into especially as a helper. So don’t strive for perfection, whatever the Proverbs 31 qualities look like in you mixed with your style, personality and what you’ve been called to, aim for that. Not a cookie-cutter type of perfection that doesn't exist. Hide yourself in the Lord and let God lead the man who is for you to find you.

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